Ship Hardware with Confidence
Verify NetList and BOM changes between revisions of Cadence®, Altium®, Mentor® and Zuken® designs
Interactive checklists created for Design Review documentation
Octopart Integration provides real time Part availability
Verify all Power Rail Connections and Decoupling
Verify FPGAs, ASIC, and Connectors connections in your Board/NetList
Verify Cadence System Capture Conversions from AllegroHDL/Capture
Explore Power, Diff Pair, and XNETs with Graphical Net Trace
Cross Probe to Parts and Pins Cadence® Schematics and PCB
Fight part shortages with Nexar/Octopart Integration
Now more than ever, when every part used in your design seems to be a critical part, It’s important to identify part availability early on in the design cycle
NetBom extracts Part Lists from Schematics, NetLists or Allegro PCB boards and Leverages OctoPart from Nexar to merge real time supplier stock data and pricing information into our interactive BOM reports
NetBom Device Pinout Verification
NetBom compares the connections made to selected devices in your NetList to the expected connections defined in a Pin Report. Pin Reports can be AMD/Xilinx, Intel/Altera, Lattice and Microchip FPGA reports, or spreadsheets from vendor datasheets and design specifications
Interactive checklist with a Tab for each Device, and a row for each Device Pin
Net Name to Pin Name matches are initially graded using an advanced Fuzzy Algorithm
Net Voltages are compared to Pin Voltage requirements found in the Pin Reports
Powerful filtering and sorting enable quick focused validation
Mark rows as Accepted or Rejected and save markups to apply to successive runs
Explore Designs with Graphical Net Tracing
Visualize extended connections extracted from Schematic, NetList or PCB
All net block/page endpoints displayed in one view
View Detailed Part and Pin Properties
Trace both ends of a Diff Pair
Trace Full Power Nets
Expand/Collapse ‘Net Stops’ to see more endpoints
Export Views to PDF for documentation
Create Cross Probe files to visit endpoints in Schematic or PCB
Netlist Difference Reports
Creates a Summary of 10 Changes categories found between Design Revisions
Click on a Summary to see the detailed Report Below
Detailed reports can be marked up and shared with other users
Top level Check Buttons mark category has been verified
Creates a Netlist Difference Spreadsheet with a detailed worksheet for each category
BOM Difference Reports
Creates a Summary of 8 Changes categories found between Design Revisions
Check Button Lets user mark when they have verified all changes in a category
Click on a Summary to see the detailed Report Below
Detailed reports can be marked up and shared with other users
Creates PartList (BOM) Difference Spreadsheet with detailed worksheet for each category
Power Rail Capacitance Reports
Summary and Detail Reports of all the power rails in your netlist(s)
Rail Voltage is extracted from Voltage Properties or inferred from NetNames
Edit and update Rail Voltages
Edit individual Capacitor Derating Settings for Voltage and Value
Audits every Capacitor in your design and flags overvoltage
Open Graphical Net Trace for selected Power rail
Cross Probe to Selected Capacitors in Schematic or PCB
Net List Reports
NetBom Builds Interactive NetList reports enabling the user to explore and verify their design. The XNET report identifies and combines multiple connected nets to reduce the number of rows required for checking
Filter and Sort Nets using any column data
Net Voltage is extracted from Properties or NetNames
Pins/Nodes sorted by their block/page in schematic
Cross Probe to find Selected Net Pins in Schematic or PCB
Select Nets to view with Graphical Net Trace.
Creates additional Excel, RINF, and CSV reports for customer post-processing
Part List (BOM) Reports
NetBom Builds Interactive PartList reports enabling the user to explore and verify their design.
Filter and Sort Parts using any column data
Part Voltage is extracted from Property or Part Descriptions
RefDes are sorted by their Block/Page in the schematic
Cross Probe to find selected RefDes in Schematic or PCB
Octopart Report identifies critical part shortages
Creates additional Excel, RINF, and CSV reports for customer post-processing
NetBom Inputs and operations
NetBom Design Inputs include Cadence, Altium, Mentor and Zuken NetLists, Capture Schematics, Allegro PCB .brd files, and customer BOM Spreadsheets
This Enables a wide variety of Compare operations including:
PCB to Schematic
PCB to Netlist
NetList to NetList
NetList to BOM
Schematic to Netlist
Schematic to BOM
With new support for Allegro System Capture Netlists, NetBom can be used to verify Allegro Capture and Allegro HDL Design Conversions